Rick L. McIntyre, PA-C
Physician Assistant located in Asheville, NC
Meet Frederick McIntyre
Rick grew up in Marion, SC and got his undergraduate degree from the Univ Of South Carolina. Being in the Vietnam era, he became a comissioned Air Force officer via the ROTC program. He served in the Air Force which included tours in Korea and Thailand. After military service he entered the PA program at the Medical University Of South Carolina finishing first in his class in 1977. He and wife Cindy and daughter Lindsey moved to North Carolina where he was PA/Director of the Saluda Medical Center for 8 years. He accepted a postion as surgical PA with Asheville Hand Center and there for 5 years. He got back into Family Medicine working at Weaverville Family for about 10 years. He joined Dr. Bradley when Family Care Of Fairview opened in October 2001. Many of his current patients have been with him for 20 or more years.
He considers himself "old school' as far as his style of practice. One of his medical school professors gave him advice on the 1st day of medical school which was "If you sit down and talk with the patient long enough, they will tell you what is wrong with them." Also, "treat the simple with elegance and a high degree of suspicion." He strives daily to heed that advice. He has been licensed to practice in North Carolina since 1978 and is Board Certified by the NCCPA.

Rick grew up in Marion, SC and got his undergraduate degree from the Univ Of South Carolina. Being in the Vietnam era, he became a comissioned Air Force officer via the ROTC program. He served in the Air Force which included tours in Korea and Thailand. After military service he entered the PA program at the Medical University Of South Carolina finishing first in his class in 1977. He and wife Cindy and daughter Lindsey moved to North Carolina where he was PA/Director of the Saluda Medical Center for 8 years. He accepted a postion as surgical PA with Asheville Hand Center and there for 5 years. He got back into Family Medicine working at Weaverville Family for about 10 years. He joined Dr. Bradley when Family Care Of Fairview opened in October 2001. Many of his current patients have been with him for 20 or more years.
He considers himself "old school' as far as his style of practice. One of his medical school professors gave him advice on the 1st day of medical school which was "If you sit down and talk with the patient long enough, they will tell you what is wrong with them." Also, "treat the simple with elegance and a high degree of suspicion." He strives daily to heed that advice. He has been licensed to practice in North Carolina since 1978 and is Board Certified by the NCCPA.
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